Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So You Have a Newly Created Business Plan Format, Now What???

So You Have a Newly Created Business Plan Format, Now What???

You should be congratulated if you have completed a new shiny business plan format (that is finished) but now what do you do to implement it successfully into your organization?

I find most organizations big or small fall into 2 categories once a plan has been created for the year ahead.

1. We have spent so much time planning that I just need a break from it. Often management has spent months creating a fantastic plan but the important part of this is not the written plan itself but the implementation and action of "doing". Therefore sometimes plans just sit on the shelf "for a while" gathering dust.

2. A plan has been created successfully and management and key people are bursting with enthusiasm to get going with implementation.

Of course the 2nd scenario above is where we all aim to be.
To Find Out More About Business Plans CLICK HERE

Here are 3 tips on implementing your business plans:

1. Business Plan Format Tip No. 1
Print out the plan and distribute it with a covering letter to all important people in your organization. The cover letter should mention the importance of the document and seek some feedback.

2. Business Plan Format Tip No. 2
Get different sections of your business to have a meeting/s to ascertain the 3 most important first actions required to move forward with key strategies resulting from the plan.

3. Business Plan Format Tip No. 3
Give out report cards each quarter for each main section of the business in regards to how much implementation has happened and reward those who have excelled.

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